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Q: What do the colors and numbers mean on the pH scale?
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Where are fluids with an acid pH found?

if you mean on the pH scale they are found from numbers 0-7

What do the colours on the pH stixs mean?

if you mean the colors on a pH scale then they are probably labeled: 1-14. the numbers 1-6 are acids, the lower the number the more acidic the chemical is. the number 7 means tat the chemical is neutral (this is usually water). the numbers 8-14 are base's the higher the number the more basic it is.

Which colors are neutral colors?

The colour green refers to nuteral in the Scientific Ph scale.

What numbers on pH scale represents neutral?

Neutrality is a pH=7,00.

How many numbers are on the pH scale?


What are Acids numbers?

On the pH scale, acids have a pH of less than 7.

What does the number seven mean on a pH scale?

it is neutral. Water is a 7 on the pH scale

What does phtwo mean in sciene?

The phtwo is another name for the ph scale.

What Does high pH mean on a pH scale?

A pH over 7 is basic.

What number on the pH scale are basic?

The numbers 7.1 through 14 are the basic numbers.

What base mean in science on the pH scale?

A soluble base is an alkali, so above 7 on the pH scale.

What numbers are higher and lower on the pH scale?

The pH scale is from 0 to 14. From 0 to 7 is acidic, and from 7 to 14 is basic. 7 is neutral. pH stands for "power of hydrogen".