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They are called isobars.

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Q: What do the curved lines on a weather map show areas of equal air pressure?
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What is a line on a weather map called?

There are several different lines on a weather map. Lines with triangles leading out from them are referred to as cold fronts, while lines with semi-circles leading out from them are warm fronts. There are also lines on a weather map that are called isobars. They connect areas of equal barometric pressure.

What are the lines that Meteorologists draw called?

Those most often seen on weather charts are isobars. These connect areas of equal atmospheric pressure.

What is a line drawn on a weather chart or map?

They are isobars: Places of equal air pressure. Air pressure then tells you the speed and properties of wind. The closer together the isobars, the stronger the winds. You can tell what direction the winds are by looking at the high and low pressure cells, in the southern hemisphere wind travels anti clockwise around high pressure systems, and clockwise around low pressure systems. If the wind is coming onshore, the wind will be moist. If it is coming over dry land it will be dry, and probably hot, for example if your on the east coast of Australia and the wind is a westerly (traveling from west to east across the hot dry desert) it can be assumed that this wind will bring hot and dry conditions to those areas along the east coast.

What isobar can measure?

Isobars are lines of equal atmospheric pressure.

What are the lines in a weather map that connect points of equal air pressure?

On a weather map, the lines that connect points with equal barometric pressure are called Isobars.Iso = equalbar = pressure

Is air everywhere equal in pressure?

No. The pressure changes depending on elevation and also the current weather.

What is a line on a weather map connecting points of equal pressure's?


Do places having equal pressure connected by isotherms on a weather map?

No, they do not

What is the purpose of an isobar?

A line on a weather map connecting points of equal atmospheric pressure.

What do Meteorologists draw lines called blank on weather maps to connect locations with the same air pressure?

Meteorologists draw lines called isobars on weather maps to connect locations with the same air pressure. Wind blows from areas of high to low pressure.

What are line connecting points of equal temperature?

The answer is very simple it's an isotherm map because an isobar map are lines that connect areas of the same pressure therefore lines that connect areas of the same temperature is and isotherm map

What are lines joining areas with equal air pressure called?
