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The meaning of digits in a bank account number vary by country and again by bank.

In the US, there are two sets of numbers - the bank routing number (whose length is 9 digits long and identifies the bank, a state, and potentially a branch) and the account number (whose length varies by bank and uniquely identifies the customer).

For countries using SWIFT (equivalent to the US routing number), there are either 8 or 11 digits in the SWIFT code (which identifies the institution, the country, location, and the branch). The account numbers, again, vary by bank and uniquely identify the customer (in some cases, they also identify the bank/sales representative).

For countries using IBAN (International Bank Account Number), the entire number incorporates the bank and customer information. The number of digits varies by country and the specific digits have different meanings by country.

A link summarizing the IBAN and SWIFT standards are included at the end of this answer.

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