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Animal cells secrete a sticky coat called the extracellular matrix. This layer holds cells together in tissues, and it can also have protective and supportive functions.

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Q: What do the extracellular coats of cells do?
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Where is the extracellular fluid found in the body?

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Extracellular fluid is found everywhere in the body EXCEPT?

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The cells are often bound to the extracellular matrix by proteins in the plasma membrane. The extracellular matrix is the structural support of tissue.

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Extracellular fluid is the fluid outside of cells. It is in the interstitial space, in the blood vessels and lymph vessels

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Normal fluid outside of the cells is extracellular or interstitial fluid. Abnormal accumulations of extracellular fluid is referred to as edema.

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Animal Cells

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Blood -> plasma -> extracellular fluid -> cells.