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Q: What do the four outer plantes have in common?
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What are the outer plantes made out of?

the outter planets are made of gas

Is Saturn considered an outer planet or inner planet?

Saturn is an outer planet. The outer and inner plantes are divided by the asteroid belt.

How are inner and outer planets alike?

anyway they are alike because they have the rotation around the sun, and that is what gives them time to go around!! And there are four planets each, and they are all plantes(; haha

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Mercury is the innermost planet. Therefore, it would be an inner planet.

Which characteristic is common to the four outer planets in our solar system?

Gaseous composition

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Steve Plantes is 5' 10".

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i naw the answer but you dont answer my guestinq first my giestion i want to ask what is mean by outer plantes

Which plantes are often called terrestrial plantes?

planets that are inside the asteroid belt

How does the length of a day on the inner four contrast with the length of a day on the outer four?

the outer four have longer days

What divides the inner and outer plantes?

Inner planets are made of rocky materials and metals, while the outer planets are made up of gases (Hydrogen and Helium) and are referred to as "Gas Giants". Pluto is the only outer planet that does not follow these characteristics. Pluto was deemed not a full-fledged planet recently.

Which characteristics is common to the four outer plants in our solar system?

They are all gaseous planets with rings systems and many moons.

What chacters do all of the inner plantes have in common?

they all have cells, chlorophyl and other parts, look it up is the best way