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it means that you like what the person said about the video or that you agree with him or her.

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Q: What do the green thumb ups next to your comments mean on YouTube?
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How do you get the comments section on YouTube?

You can find the comments section of a video by scrolling down. Some videos will not have any comments at all, which will mean that you won't see any comments displayed.

What ever happened to Kelligirl?

Mean comments on youtube made her stop but she is still alive

Why do people write mean YouTube comments?

There are countless reasons why people would write mean comments. For example, they could be angry or upset by the video, or perhaps that's just the way they are.

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this guy on youtube who always post nasty comments on her vevo page

Why do people write mean comments on YouTube?

Because people have nothing else better to do. They think they're being funny.

What does it mean when people comment?

Seeing as this is in the technology category, I assume you mean on the internet such as commenting on a youtube video or a blog. If this is the case, it quite literally is the person's comments about the said article/video/object etc. What they thought of it, thoughts they had about it. Go on youtube and look at any video and scroll down. Underneath is a list of people's comments.

Why do people write really rude comments on youtube?

People write really rude comments on Youtube because they're retards. They think that if they write something rude about the video it with give them self pleasure. If by chance your Youtube videos get written a rude comment threaten them E.G. I will report you to Youtube or I'll tell Youtube to shut down your account beacause thats really mean. Hope this helps answer your question

What does the idiom mean when you have a green thumb?

It means someone who is very good at things like gardening and growing things.

What does 'having a green thumb' mean?

the saying "green thumb" means someone who, not literally, has a green thumb because they like gardening. When growing tobacco, farmers remove the flowers from the crops in order to increase the size and weight of the leafs. This process, known as "topping," is standard practice even today. In early colonial America, when tobacco was the major cash crop, farmers would hand-pick the flowers using their thumbnails to cut the stem. After a while, the farmer's thumb would be stained green. Hence the term, Green Thumb.

What does it mean for a comment to be linked on YouTube?

When you make a comment on youtube,then when you reload the page..u will see that there is space below the video stating 'linked comment' ..this is to help keep track of your comments on that video and so that it will be easier if someone replies to your comment.

The phrase rule of thumb is best understood to mean?

what does the phrase rule of thumb mean

Who is joesulub?

joesulub is a taylor swift 1 hater on youtube and he's always posting rude and mean comments on taylor swift videos on youtube he's 32 years old and he is gay who doesn't have a life he's a jerk and an idiot. WE HATE YOU JOESULUB.