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Q: What do the length and direction of a force arrow represent?
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The length of a vector arrow represents its?

The direction of the arrow represents the direction of the force; the length of the arrow is proportional to the magnitude of the force.

What can be used to show a force?

We usually use an arrow to represent a force. It's length is proportional to the magnitude of the force, and it points in the direction the force operates.

What does the length of a vector of a arrow represent?

Magnitude of the force.

What can be used to represent the direction and strengh of a force?

Magnitudes that have a direction are called vectors. An arrow can be used to represent them.

How are the size and directions of a force represented?

A force can be represented by an arrow in which the size of the force is represented by the length of the arrow (on some artbitrary but defined scale) and the direction of the force is the diretion of the arrow.

How are force vectors represented in force diagrams?

A force vector - or just about any physical vector, for that matter - is usually represented as an arrow. The direction of the arrow represents the direction of the vector; the length of the arrow is supposed to be proportional to the force (or to whatever physical quantity you are representing).

What is an arrow showing the direction of force?

Force arrows were developed by Isaac Newton and is a universal representation of force. The force arrow represents the direction a force was being applied to and the length of the arrow represented the amount of force being applied. Hope this helps... If not... TOO BAD! JKJKJK

How are arrows used to show force vectors?

The direction of the arrow indicates the direction of the resultant force. The length of the arrow indicates the amount of the force. Resultant means the net result of two or more forces.

What two pieces of information do you need to descride force?

The direction and stength of a force can be represented by an arrow. The arrow points in the direction of the force.

What is meant by magnitude of force?

A force is a vector - in two dimensions, you can represent it on paper as an arrow. Such vector/arrows have a size, and a direction. The size is usually called the "magnitude".

What can be used to represent the strength and direction of a force?

A vector can represent the direction and strength of a force.

Can be used to represent the direction and strength of a force?

A vector can represent the direction and strength of a force.