

What do the letters INC MEAN?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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Q: What do the letters INC MEAN?
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What do the letters INC mean at the end of a business name?

It means "Incorporated"

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What do the letters INC after the name of the business tell you?

The letters "Inc." after the name of a business stand for incorporated. An incorporated business has legal protection against creditors and lawsuits on their personal assets

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The nouns in the sentence are:companyBetter-Letters Inc.letterheads

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The letters, SA follow after a South American Country: Columbia, SA Is that what you mean? 2. The letters SA mean Sociedad Autónoma and are an indication of the type of organization a corporation is, similar to L.L.C. (Limited Liability Corporation) or Inc. (Incorporated) in company names in the United States.

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Electronic Arts Inc., sometimes referred to as EA Games.

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Hospital Inc, dba Hospital

What do the letters INC stand for?

Inc. isn't an anogram where each letter stands for something. Inc., is the short form for Incorporated. Normally used in business terms! For an Example: Example Inc. or Example Co. (Co. stands for company) Hope this helped!

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Turner Broadcasting Systems, Inc. If you're cooking it's 'tablespoons'

What is 29.5 inc in cm?

Assuming you mean 29.5 inches, and not inc, the answer is 74.93 cm.

brother typewriter letters not working?

You probably need to get that fixed a antiqu store cause typewriters are very old. Or you proba need to add inc on the letters