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The autonomic system regulates contraction and secretion within the body.It regulates/controls:

  • cardiac and smooth muscle
  • secretions of the exocrine gland
  • it controls some endocrine secretions
  • it controls some adipose tissue
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13y ago

The autonomic system controls responses that are involuntary, such as maintaining breathing or keeping your heart at a steady rate. It consists of parasympathetic and sympathetic divisions. Parasympathetic is for 'rest and digestion' and symapthetic is for 'fight or flight' In short sympathetic speeds up body reactions but slows digestion and parasympathetic slows body reactions and assists and controls digestion. In reality both systems will function in conjunction with each other to bring about normal body states.

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Q: What do the nerves in the autonomic nervous system do?
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Which autonomic nervous system arises from the cranial and sacral nerves?

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The Autonomic Nervous System.

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Involuntary and voluntary actionssomatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system

What are Nerves are the division of the autonomic nervous system that prepare the body for emergencies and stress?

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What nerves are the division of the autonomic nervous system that prepare the body for emergencies and stress?

sympathetic nerves

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What are the system of nerves that work automatically?

Collectively they make up what is known as the autonomic nervous system.

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They are controlled by the autonomous nervous system.== ==

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The system of nerves that work automatically is called?

the Autonomic nervous system, split into the sympathetic and parasympathetic divisions.