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These two layers have something in common. They both are present in the atmosphere.

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Q: What do the ozone layer and the mesosphere have in common?
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Related questions

What is after the ozone layer?

The layer ozone is present in the stratosphere. It protects us from the Uv rays. The layer after that is Mesosphere.

Does the mesosphere conains the ozone layer?

No, it doesn't. Mesosphere doesn't contain ozone.

Does the messosphere contain the ozone layer?

No the mesosphere does not contain the ozone layer. The ozone layer is only present in the stratosphere.

What is the ozone that separates the mesosphere from the layer below it is called the?

It is called ozone layer. It contains most of the ozone layer.

Is the ozone layer same as the Mesoshpere?

No, it is not. the ozone is different from mesosphere.

What is this atmospheric layer contains the ozone layer at its base?


The mesosphere is the layer of the atmosphere that contains ozone?

All layers of the atmosphere contain ozone. The lower part of the stratosphere contains the highest concentration, dubbed "the ozone layer". The mesosphere is not dense enough to stop much UV-C from the Sun, so consequently not much ozone is formed there.No.

Is the ozone layer located between troposhpere and the mesosphere?

No, it is not. The ozone layer is located in the stratospheric region of the atmosphere.

What layer of the ozone contains the highest temperatures?

The mesosphere(:

The layer of the atmosphere between the stratosphere and the thermosphere and in which temperature decreases as altitude increases?

The layer of atmosphere is mesosphere. It is located after stratosphere.

Is the ozone layer located in between the stratosphere and the mesosphere?

yes it is

Why does the mesosphere not protect us from the suns layers?

Mesosphere does not protect us. It is because it does not contain an ozone layer.