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Very many people today do not believe in the sacraments, let alone use them. This is not very surprising. After all, we have now much more than we ever needed. Right? Then how come it does not even require a sane man these days to know that we have completely lost it. I mean COMPLETELY! To ask the relevance of the sacraments therefore is in itself an absurdity? In the first place do we even believe that we are much more than just flesh and blood? Do we believe that there is reality apart from what we see and feel? If we do, then we must also realize that the human person is more complex than the most advanced biologies and chemistries and philosophies.

All humans NEED the sacraments! Strange right? Yes! We all need the sacraments, irrespective of whether or not we even believe in them.

Now to the answer!

The sacraments give us that STRING that keeps us going. Physical existence may never really make much meaning without recourse to the spiritual? For instance, how does it happen that the consciousness of GRAVE sin can lead many to DEPRESSION?

When we derail as human beings (something we are very good at), we always need the sacraments to STRING us back to the source.

Baptism for instance brings us CONNECTION. It connects us with the universal family of Jesus Christ the head of the Church.

Confirmation: Reaffirms the gift of new life that is received at baptism. it strengthens our place in the family of God's people through the gift of the Holy Spirit.

Holy Eucharist: Makes sure we do not starve. It provides the strength to stay latched to the source.

Penance: Provides healing for our many wounds and gives us the reason not to despair.

Anointing of the Sick: Reminds us that God grace abides with us even in sickness.

Hoy Order: Gives us the assurance that there will always be ministers to encourage us on our Christian journey.

Matrimony: Replicates (though in an imperfect manner, due to our humanness) the love that Christ has for his Church.

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