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Usually in the first 4 months or so there isn't really any difference except that the mare might be a little more edgy or cranky. After that, she steadily, and noticeably grows bigger, a little more lethargic, way more hungry, seemingly more agitated, and won't really tolerate any stallion behind her. Towards the end, her teats will be VERY enlarged, and you can see the foal(s) kicking around and adjusting. Towards giving birth, she is very agitated, won't eat or drink, will go away from the herd and pace like crazy, become sweaty, will lay down, look at her sides, kick, neigh, and finally give birth. During this time, she will be VERY protective of her foal, and will attack any herd member regardless of her rank, and even her owner if she feels threatened enough.

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Q: What do the stages of pregnancy look like for a pregnant mare during all 11 months of the pregnancy?
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What is the operation called to stop a female dog to having puppies?

Spaying is the procedure. If the female is in the early stages of pregnancy or is simply suspected to be pregnant, then it's an emergency spay.

What does a mare look like in different stages of pregnancy?

Any time you want pictures, just go to and look at the upper left hand corner and click on images, now just put in the search area the question you have. Pregnant mares, you should see tons of pictures. Google is the actual top website in the world. Pictures can not be placed in this area, so you would have to go to some other website anyway. Hope you see what you are looking for, I know there a lot lot of pictures of your question, I just checked.

How early can a cat get pregnant?

normally the cat is pregnant from 59-67 days until birth ( about 9 weeks ) Cat pregnancy stages are: first 2 weeks go unoticed, 3rd week the cat starts pinking up ( getting milk and nipples enlarge) 4th week cat gains weight and starts to grow, 5-9 weeks the cat continues pregnancy and at birth the cat will go to a dark place ( mine have had kittens in the rafters of my garage, 5 gallon pale, under some straw in a barn ect.) but if they are young they will usually find an obvious spot ( mine have had them in a paper bag on my front porch, on a patio chair in the garage ect.) if they only have one kitten then they will be very overprotective of it so don't move it!! if i was helpful to you could you please recommend me and give me a trust point :D i would like that:D

Can you ride a horse after it gives birth?

In the very early stages of pregnancy it is ok to ride them but i would suggest only lightly. Further along though you should not ride a pregnant horse for it may put you, your horse, and your horses unborn foal in danger.

What do you call a frog in its early stages of development?

When the sperm and egg of two animals meet, they create a zygote. It is then called an embryo during the early stages of development and later called a foetus.

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What Disney actors have been pregnant?

All of them. But they were all created during the early stages of pregnancy.

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Many pregnant women find that their sex drive fluctuates throughout the nine months of pregnancy. Some times it is high, and some others it is low or non-existant. Remember that your girlfriend will feel very body conscious during pregnancy, especially in the later stages, when she will be bigger and uncomfortable. Her sex drive may also be dampened for fear of harming the unborn child at later stages.

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In a typical pregnancy, the signs you should watch out to see if you're pregnant or not is nausea and chronic vomiting because these are the basic signs females should watch out for.

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The seven stages of pregnancy for guppys can last one month

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Nausea during pregnancy is caused by changes in the hormone levels in the body during the early stages of pregnancy. It usually happens early on in the pregnancy.

Whitney Houston was she pregnant when she did the movie the bodyguard?

Actually, she may have been in the initial stages of pregnancy, but it was only announced afterwards; and during the media tour for the film, she suffered a miscarriage.

Is it normal to have nausea after eating during pregnancy?

Yes, in the early stages

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A woman will notice a child's movements during the later stages of pregnancy. These can even be felt and seen externally.

When are the most important stages of pregnancy?

because if no one was pregnant, there would be no new babies and then we would be extinct.

Is running stomach dangerous when seven months pregnant?

Yes. Diarrhea is experienced by some women, especially in the early stages of pregnancy. This is mostly due to the rapidly changing hormone levels and should not be a concern unless it lasts more than a few days or you feel concerned, then get checked by your OB-GYN.

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The elephant holds the world's record for the longest pregnancy - 22 months!

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Some symptoms that a person will experience during different stages of pregnancy are swollen feet, cravings, morning sickness, fatigue, and the movements of the baby.