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The larger of the stars represents leadership and the four smaller stars represent the four classes of people underneath the leader I.E. the workers, thetherapists, the manny petties , and capitalists sympathetic to the Party.

........ The largest yellow star represents the Communist party and the smaller yellow stars represent the four social classes: peaseants, workers, bourgeoisie, and capitalists.

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Oma O'Reilly

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Q: What do the stars on the Chinese flag mean?
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What do the yellow stars mean on the Chinese flag?

i think it means the sun and gods in china.

What is the main color on the Chinese flag?

the main color of the flag is red,,with 5 golden stars

What does yellow mean on the Chinese flag?

There's no yellow on the Chinese flag

How many stars on are Chinese flag?

It only has five stars on it.

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You might mean Australia. Australia has 6 stars. The Austrian flag has no stars.

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On the American flag, the 50 stars represent the 50 states.

Big star on Chinese flag symbolizes what?

The big star on the Chinese flag represents the rest of china and the small stars represent all of the islands in China

What does 5 S on a C F stand for?

5 stars on a Chinese flag.

What are the 5 stars on the Chinese flag about?

The biggest star stands for the Chinese Communist Party, the other surrounding four stars stand for workers, farmers, soldiers and merchants.

Stars on the american flag mean?

The stars represent the 50 states.

What do the colors on the flag of China represent?

the red dot represents the sun, im not sure what the white indicates. __ Red dot on white background is the Japanese flag, not the Chinese flag. The Chinese flag is red with 5 yellow stars. The current government line is: Red = the Chinese Revolution. The stars are supposed to represent unity of the people all under the Communist Party leadership.

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stars mean the states