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Q: What do the suitors do when Athena reveals the aegis?
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What does Athena do during the battle with the suitors?

Athena first takes the form of Mentor. When Odysseus calls to her for help, she berates him for being so weak and needing to call on the gods for help. She takes the form of a swallow and watches the battle from the rafters. When the suitors throw their spears at Odysseus and his men, she makes the spears mostly miss. Further, she helps guides Odysseus and his men's spears into the suitors. Finally, Athena holds up her Aegis, making the suitors cower and despair as Odysseus and his men slaughter them.

What help does Athena give Odysseus as he prepares for Penelope's question about his identity?

Athena helps Odysseus disguise himself before he reveals himself to Penelope, so that he can observe her interaction with the suitors. She also helps him defeat and kill Penelope's suitors before he plans to meet his wife and answer her questions about his identity.

Who wields an aegis?

Pallas Athena or Zeus

What weapon did Athena have?

She had a spear and her sheild, Aegis.

What represents Athena?

Some of Athena's symbols are the owl, the olive tree, and the Aegis.

The aegis is a goat skin that is officially Zeus but generally Athena is depicted wearing it?

Aegis for Zeus is a goatskin Ageis gor Athena is her sheild, medusa's head is on it.

What does Athena do in The Odyssey?

Athena helps Odysseus defeat the suitors.

Does Athena send an omen to the suitors?


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What do the suitors tell Odysseus after he reveals himself?


What is the name of the creature on Athena's shield?

Athena's shield, Aegis, bares the head of Medusa, one of the three Gorgons.

Who is Athena disguised as when Odysseus fights the suitors?

Athena disguises herself as Mentor during the fight between Odysseus and the suitors. After speaking her bit, she transforms herself into a swallow.