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Q: What do the symbols on the Oregon state flag mean?
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What does the state Oregon's state flag mean?

You smell nice.

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it means nothing

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What do the west Australian flag symbols mean?

swan state national emblem

What do the symbols and colors mean on the Maryland state flag?

The flag of Maryland is based on the coat of arms of Cecil Calvert, Lord Baltimore, who was given the colony in 1632

What do the Symbols on the China flag mean?

the people

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i have no clue

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What do the symbols on the NZ flag mean?

new zeland

What does the symbols mean on the Japanese flag mean?

The red circle on the Japan flag represents the rising red sun

What do the symbols on the new york state flag mean?

There are several symbols on the New York state flag. Lady liberty and justice stand fairness and justice for all. The ribbon with the word excelsior stands for reaching goals. The eagle symbolizes good fortune.

What do the color and symbols of Nepal's flag mean?

the colors of nepals flag represent red and yellow