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The tentacles surround the mouth of the sea cucumber, and are covered with a thin film of mucus. Small particls in the water stick toa the coating and covers the tentacles. When a tentcle becomes saturated, the cucumber puts it in its mouth and literally sucks off the food particles. Summary of that little paragraph: Tentacles are the first stage of the Digestive System. They grab food and put it in the mouth.

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Q: What do the tentacles on a sea cucumber do?
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Related questions

How many tentacles do sea cucumbers have?

The Sea cucumber can have around 8-30 tentacles surrounding its mouth

What surroundes the mouth of a sea cucumber?

Big tentacles that suck food into its mouth.

What do sea cucumber eat?

There is a hole in the front and back of the sea cucumber; the hole in the front is where it eats. The hole in the back is where it poops and breathes.... There are tentacles on their heads and they use them for picking up food.

How does a sea cucumber eat?

There is a hole in the front and back of the sea cucumber, the hole in the front is where it eats. The hole in the back is where it poops and breathes.... There are tentacles on their heads and they use them for picking up food.

Why is a sea cucumber called a sea cucumber?

Because the scientists believed it looked like a cucumber and it was under the sea so therefore, a sea cucumber has derived from cucumber-like look.

Does a sea cucumber have a backbone?

no a sea cucumber does not have a backbone.

Does a sea cucumber have a brain?

No a sea cucumber does not have a brain.

Is a sea cucumber a mollusc?

No. The sea cucumber is, in fact, an echinoderm like the sea urchin.

What is a sea cucumber carnivore herbivore or omnivore?

A sea cucumber is a Herbivore.

What is the common name for psolus chitinoids?

There are four common names for psolus chitinoids and they are Armoured sea cucumber, Creeping armoured sea cucumber, Slipper sea cucumber and Creeping pedal sea cucumber.

Is a transparent sea cucumber the same as a sea cucumber?

No; sea cucumbers are animals and transparent sea cucumbers are plants.

Witch echinoderms can eject part of its intestines?

sea cucumber... ;)