

What do the three rioters set out to do?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: What do the three rioters set out to do?
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Who does the three rioters believe the old man is?

The three rioters believe the old man is Death because he appears to be weak and feeble. They ask him where they can find Death so they can kill him.

How does the story end in the Pardoner Tale?

In "The Pardoner's Tale" from Geoffrey Chaucer's "The Canterbury Tales," the story ends with the three rioters killing each other over their greed for treasure, which they had set out to find after encountering the old man who told them about Death. The rioters' quest for wealth ultimately leads to their own deaths, teaching a moral lesson about the destructive nature of greed.

What were the three rioters like?

The three rioters were described as young, brash, and arrogant. They were looking for Death after being told he had caused so many deaths, and they vowed to avenge those who had died.

Why do you think the rioters set out to kill death?

Because they think he killed their friends

What do the opening lines of the pardoner stale imply about the character of the three rioters?

The opening lines of "The Pardoner's Tale" suggest that the three rioters are arrogant, disrespectful, and not particularly noble or virtuous. Their behavior indicates a lack of moral integrity and a predisposition towards mischief or misdeeds.

What would you most likely predict based on what the tavern boy tells the three rioters?

Based on what the tavern boy tells the three rioters in "The Pardoner's Tale" by Chaucer, one would likely predict that the rioters will encounter death or some misfortune, as the boy warns them about seeking Death at the oak tree. This foreshadows the outcome of the rioters' quest for Death, which leads to their own demise.

What do you call a crowd of people at a riot?

Rioters, looters, a mob.

What do the three rioters pledge to do?

In the Pardoner's Tale, the three rioters pledge to hunt down and kill Death (described as a great thief of lives) so he will never be able to kill more people, and to avenge those deaths associated with him.

What is group of rioters called?

A group of rioters is usually referred to as a mob.

How do the rioters treat the old man and where does the old man tell the three rioters to look for death?

The rioters treat the old man disrespectfully and end up killing him. Before dying, the old man tells the rioters to look for Death under a nearby oak tree.

What were the three rioters in the pardoners tale doing in the beginning?

The three rioters in "The Pardoner's Tale" were drinking in a tavern when they heard a funeral procession passing by. They asked who had died, and when they were told it was a mutual friend who had been killed by a thief, they decided to find and kill the thief.