

Best Answer

the letters "o" and "s".
They are both in alphabetical order

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Q: What do the words almost and biopsy have in common?
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What is the most common form of pleural biopsy?

The procedure most often performed for pleural biopsy is called a percutaneous (passage through the skin by needle puncture) needle biopsy.

What is the most common complication of a cone biopsy?

Bleeding during and after cone biopsy is the most common complication. Rarely, uncontrolled bleeding during the procedure may result in an emergency hysterectomy.

What is the most common complication with a cone biopsy?

Bleeding during and after cone biopsy is the most common complication. Rarely, uncontrolled bleeding during the procedure may result in an emergency hysterectomy.

Which of these words meaning an examination of living tissue is considered the opposite of autopsy?


How many different types of biopsy methods are there?

There are four types of biopsy techniques. Aspiration biopsy, Needle biopsy, Incisional biopsy, Excisional biopsy

Can a biopsy be done during a colposcopy?

If any abnormal areas are seen, the doctor will take a biopsy of the tissue, a common procedure that takes about 15 minutes. Several samples might be taken, depending on the size of the abnormal area. A biopsy may cause temporary discomfort

What causes swollen lymph nodes to stay swollen for a year I have one in my neck that wont go down and an earache almost daily but doctors cant see an infection. Should I have a biopsy of it?

A biopsy would be a good idea.

Is a Uterine biopsy painful?

is a uterine biopsy painful?what care should be taken after that?

What is the singular for biopsy?


Can you give me a list of six letter words?

Accent, biopsy, chills, classy, effort, and floppy are the six letter words i came up with.

What does the medical abbreviation em biopsy mean?

Em biopsy likely means endometrial biopsy.

What is the form of biopsy that removes the entire lesion?

In an EXCISIONAL BIOPSY, the entire lesion is removed for biopsy.