

What do they do to chickens that cant lay eggs any more?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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eat them

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Q: What do they do to chickens that cant lay eggs any more?
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Are Cornish Hen Eggs rich in nutrition?

No more so than any other chickens egg. All eggs are nutritious.

How do you know if you have got rid of the eggs?

you kill the chicken or whatever then it cant have any more eggs

Can you play music in your broiler house?

they say ...i just heard that when you play music to chickens that lay eggs the chickens lay more eggs than usual but for broilers i dont think it will be of any benefit

Can you eat eggs from chickens taking tetracycline?

It is recommended that humans not consume any eggs from chickens that are on any type of medication. Many drugs are passed into the eggs. You should consult your veterinarian and ask what the withdrawal period is.

What color chickens lay white eggs?

Any colour

What chicken lays largest egg?

Any chicken lays the best eggs. Mainly home chickens. It depends on happiness and health. Any chicken lays the best eggs. Mainly home chickens. It depends on happiness and health.

Why do eggs grow in vinnegar?

Eggs only 'grow' in chickens. They may swell in vinegar, like a sponge swellsin water, but they're only spreading their stuff out to fill more space, notgetting any more stuff to add to their substance.

Why are free range eggs brown?

Free range eggs are not any particular color. It depends on the type of chicken that layed the egg. Our Gold Star Chickens lay beautiful brown eggs, while our White Rock Chickens lay brownish eggs. The White Rocks have a pale color when compared to the Gold Stars. For more information email us at:

What would happen if there was no chickens?

No one would eat chicken. There will not be any ducks eggs e.t.c

What are the ethics behind egg production augment?

Battery chickens, the chickens used in egg production, are kept in battery cages. These are tiny cages with very little room for the chicken. They are kept in conditions that would shock most people who eat their eggs. Bright, artificial lights are used to simulate daylight, to make them lay more than they would in natural conditions. They can barely move in their cages, are kept separate from other chickens, and do not have freedom or any kind of natural conditions to live in. Free-range eggs are eggs from free-range chickens, chickens kept in natural conditions- normal lighting, better food, and room to move around. While battery chickens produce more eggs per chicken with less room, the chickens themselves need better care than that, or so many people think.

How many eggs have to be in the nest for them to sit?

It depends on the chicken. Some will sit and then gradually get more and more eggs. Chickens in all don't have a "limit" of eggs they will sit. Often a hen will go broody without sitting on any eggs. Some hens have sat on twenty eggs but it can be hard for them. Sometimes one egg. But on average and for an average chicken, it would be around a dozen.