

What do tiny red bugs eat?

Updated: 8/9/2023
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12y ago

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There are none on my porch.

If you live in a rather warm climate, and you see them in a spot in the direct sun, running around fast and rather aimlessly, looking something like tiny bright red Spiders, with round bodies surrounded by many short legs, those are "chiggers".

The main thing I know about them is that they share an annoying habit with ticks: If they get on you, they burrow into your skin, they itch like crazy, and they're hard to get rid of. If they've already dug in, you can't see them, but you know it's them if you have an itchy spot, and when you look at it, it's slightly pink and slightly raised, like a mosquito bite, but it has a tiny, hard, slightly darker, pin-point dot in the center.

Do I sound like I've had my share of them over the years ?

They could also be clover mites. They also prefer to be in the sun and are often found on cement and brick. They're completely harmless to humans.

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the insect is called milkworms :)

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chiggers they are little bugs that bite

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Blood bugs

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