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Q: What do tonic subdominant and dominant mean?
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What is a series of eight pitches can be major or minor?

Tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, leading note, tonic again..

What is the tonic of E flat major?

The tonic of E flat major is E flat. Its dominant is B flat and its subdominant is A flat.

What is a series of eight pitches that can be major or minor?

Tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, leading note, tonic again..

What is degree names of the major scale?

In ascending order, the names for each scale degree are the tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, leading tone, and the tonic again.

What are the order of the musical terms which come after the name tonic mediant sub median dominant etc?

Ascending up the major scale, the terms for each degree are the tonic, supertonic, mediant, subdominant, dominant, submediant, leading tone, and tonic again. The prefix "super" means above the tonic, and "sub" is below the tonic.

What is modern harmony?

Traditional harmony is based on the diatonic scale, particularly the major and minor modes. Cadences are resolved through the dominant and subdominant chords. Indeed some simple pieces with traditional harmony of this kind use only the chords of the dominant, subdominant and tonic.

What is a tonic in a major scale?

In the perspective of European-descendent theory, the degrees of any key or scale (major, minor, or modal) can be classified as follows: 1 - Tonic 2 - Supertonic 3 - Mediant 4 - Subdominant 5 - Dominant 6 - Submediant 7 - Leading Tone Let us take the case of C major as our key/scale: C - Tonic D - Supertonic E - Mediant F - Subdominant G - Dominant A - Submediant B - Leading Tone Similarily, this works in the minor keys, too. Using A natural harmonic as our key/scale: A - Tonic B - Supertonic C - Mediant D - Subdominant E - Dominant F - Submediant G - Leading Tone

What are the 8 so-fa syllables?

Do, Re, Me, Fa, So, La, Ti, & Do

What is a dramatic scale in music?

A harmonic minor scale in the key of E flat works best. For effect, go from the tonic chord to the submediant, than the supertonic, and then to the leading tone. Then do a subdominant chord, leading to the tonic with the dominant note played with the note a half-step above the dominant. It works if you want extra drama.

What are the name of the notes on the musical scale?

They're called the degrees of the scale, and they are as follows: 1st - Tonic 2nd - Supertonic 3rd - Mediant 4th - Subdominant 5th - Dominant 6th - Submediant 7th - Leading tone

Why does the major seventh chord belong to the subdominant?

In a major scale the subdominant chord is a major chord,thus the dominant chord is major7.

What is naming letters as tonic or dominant mean?

They are basic tonal reference points. Tonic is the key the music is in. Dominant is exactly five whole tones above tonic. This is true of any key. If you are playing in C major, the dominant is G major. If you want to transpose the piece into D major, the tonic is D and the dominant is exactly five whole tones higher - A.