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Q: What do two earthworm exchange during mating explain your answer?
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What do two earthworms exchange during mating?


Where is navel of earthworm present?

It doesn't have one ! Earthworms are hermaphrodites - possessing male and female reproductive systems. During 'mating' they exchange sperm with each other. Subsequently, they both lay eggs which develop into tiny worms.

What do you mean by asexual reproduction?

It means something that produces both sperm and eggs. Take for example the earthworm. It produces eggs and sperm but CANNOT fertilise itself. During 'mating' two worms exchange sperm so they fertilise each other.

How do lions exchange gases?

by mating

What is the saddle of a earthworm for?

It holds the male and female reproductive organs.

What damage can happen to a male dog if separated during mating?

if a male is separeted during mating it can die

Where does gas exchange and water loss occur in plants?

By opening and closing the stomata on the underside of the leaves.

How does a peacock get pregnant without mating. Explain Process?

A peacock is male and a peahen is the female. A peahen cannot get pregnant without mating. The process includes the birds mating and then the female laying eggs.

Do earthworms have a placenta?

Nope - Earthworms are hermaphrodites - in that they have both male and female reproductive organs. During mating they exchange sperm - and lay eggs a few days later which hatch into tiny earthworms.

During the mating season males out number the females by what ratio?

During the mating season Amphibians males out number the females by 10 to 1

What do Pandas do during mating season?

they mate

What do the bristles on the exterior of an earthworm help it to do?

Called setae, the tiny bristles on each segment of a worm help it move through soil as well as grip another worm when mating.