

Best Answer

"Borax" is actually a trademarked name of a detergent that is based on boric acid.

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Q: What do u need to make borax?
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What do you need to make borax crystals?

what do you need to make a borax crystals

Can you make gak without borax?

no u can not . if u want o know why type in the ask : how do u make gak with out borax : ive kind a have explaned it. :)

Can you make crystals with borax?

yes but i wont tell u

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U cant!

Can you use gain detergent to make slime?

No, it is not recommended to use Gain detergent to make slime. It is better to use traditional slime-making ingredients like glue, borax, or contact lens solution.

How do you make gak without borax?

you just dont make it

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How do you make slime activator?

You can make slime activator by mixing 1 teaspoon of borax powder with 1 cup of warm water until the borax is fully dissolved. Another common slime activator is a solution of equal parts water and liquid starch. You can also use laundry detergent or contact lens solution with baking soda. Start with small amounts and adjust to get the desired slime consistency.

Do you need borax for slime?

no you can use baking soda

What does science need to do with acting?

yes u need to make a hypothisis for what u need to do and u can also do a lab report.:)

Does the amount of borax change the slime?

Yes, it does! Because when you add more borax the solution will get stiffer and really hard to stir.. but when u dont add any borax the solution will be really liquidy and un stiff! ask me. i tried it :P

How do you make a ball out of borax and glue?

You will need 1 tablespoon white glue, 1/2 teaspoon borax, 1 tablespoon cornstarch, 2 tablespoons warm water, 2 disposable cups, and 2 stir sticks. Dissolve the borax in the warm water. Mix 1/2 teaspoon of the borax mixture, and all cornstarch to the glue. Allow to stand for 15 seconds, then stir. Remove the mixture and roll in your hands to make a ball. This will be a sticky, but solidifies as it is rolled.