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Q: What do visible light waves show us?
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How do Visible light waves with longer wavelengths look?

The light with the longest wavelength, which is still visible for us, is red light.

What do false colour images from visible light satellites show us?

it shows us nothing

What does waves show us?

Waves have the ability to show us many different types of things. Waves can show us pitch, length, depth, heat, and color for example.

Is light visible or not?

Only a small piece of the light spectrum is visible to us.

What some benefits of visible light waves?

Visible light waves are beneficial for the human race, in that they make it possible for usto see stuff as we go through daily life, helping us immeasurably to avoid the dangerousand embarrassing risks of bumping into things, falling over things, stepping in stuff, andgenerally stumbling around blindly. In modern times, these waves are also utilized in thetraffic signals at major intersections, which are responsible for keeping vehicular trafficflowing smoothly and with equanimity.

An wave requires no medium to travel through?

Any form of light. Radio waves, microwaves, gamma rays, x-rays, infrared waves, visible waves, ultraviolet waves, they all can travel without requiring a substance to travel through. How else would light from the Sun get to us through the emptiness that is outer space?

Do stars have electromagnetic waves and how is it a known fact of this information?

Stars don't have electromagnetic waves. They absorb them and release them. It is not a known fact because electromagnetism is only a theory for now. However, light that reach us from stars are said to be EM waves because visible light is theorized to be in the EM spectrum.

Why does ultraviolet light have a big effect on us but visible light doesn't?

it have more energy than visible light

How can radio waves be used to observe stars?

1) Any object that emits radiation (because of its temperature) will emit in all wavelengths, including visible light, infrared, radio waves, ultra-violet, etc.What changes is the proportion of each (which depends directly on the temperature).2) The Earth's atmosphere is transparent to radio waves (meaning: it is easy to receive radio waves from space -- in general they are not blocked by the atmosphere).3) It is easy to build a receiver that gives us the direction from which the radio waves are coming. We can draw maps of radio sources (the same way that taking pictures in visible light lets us draw maps of the visible stars).

What property of waves let us see things which don't emit light?

Our eyes can only see visible light. We can use other technologies such as infrared or ultraviolet sensors, but these use electronics to convert them back into visible light that we can see when they are displayed on the monitor. Sometimes we think we can see infrared radiation or ultraviolet light with our own eyes, but in reality those sources are emitting a small amount of visible light since they are so close to the visible light spectrum.

Is normal light visible to us?

One reason 'Normal Light' has that name is because it is visible to us and useful to us in so many different ways

Who invented visible light?

Visible light doesn't have to be invented. Light is a naturally occurring phenomenon under some circumstances, and the part that us humans can see we call "visible light".