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Walruses do not have trunks. They have tusks. They use their tusks to dig up clams to eat and to fight other males for the right to mate females. Only elephants have trunks.

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Q: What do walruses use there trunks for?
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What are trunks of walrus made of?

walruses don't have trunks

What is the trunk of walrus made up of?

Walruses dont have trunks. There tusk is made from dendrite, the same material as your fingernails

Do the Inuit hunt walruses?

The Inuits do kill walruses because they sometimes use there skin for clothes.

Who you called animals with trunk?

Answer:elephantafrican elephantindian elephant

What do walruses use tusk for?

They have tusks for protection against polar bear attacks and fighting with other walruses.

What do walruses use for protection?

walruses use their size,aggresion,two long tusks,a thick layer of skin,and a thick layer of blubber for protectionthey bite

How do walruses protect there self from there predators?

they use their tusks.

What do walruses use their fat and blubber for?

to stay warm

What did the people use for clothing?

They use animal skins such as seals, whales, and walruses.

What do walruses use to attract mates?

They make different noises

Do elephant have trunks?

Elephant's trunks are very important for their survival. Since they are such tall heavy animals they need their trunks to be able to reach food and water. They also use their trunks like noses having a separate passage for breathing.

What did the arctic people use for clothing?

They use animal skins such as seals, whales, and walruses.