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Q: What do we call an area where use the same clock?
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What do we call a area where people use the same clock time?

time zone

What do you call an area were people use the same time clock?

time zone

What do we call an area where people use the same clock?

It's called a " Time zone " O O 3

What is the term for an area where people use the same clock time?

An area where all use the same clock time is called a time zone

Where is an area where people use the the same clock time?

A time zone

What do we call an area where people use the clock time?

It's called a " Time zone " O O 3

What do we call an area where people use the same clock time?

We call this area a time zone, where people within the region adhere to the same standard time. Time zones are based on longitudinal lines and help coordinate activities across different locations.

what clock can use two time zones?

The Chass Port of Call clock is a popular attractive design which allows the setting of multiple time zones for display at the same time.

How do you use windows 8 alarm clock on PC?

All you need for the same is to download the alarm clock application from the store which is free and easy to use.

Is it really called a time zone where people use the same clock time?

Yes it is.

What's the difference between a clock radio and an alarm clock?

A clock radio and an alarm clock are two very similar things which provide some of the same functions however they differ in their features. An alarm clock is a basic clock which has an alarm function and a clock radio combines the use of an AM/FM radio and an alarm clock.

Why should the pupils not use pairs of the same type of metals for the clock?

Using pairs of the same type of metals can create a galvanic cell, leading to potential corrosion and inaccurate clock readings. By using two different types of metals, such as copper and zinc, you can create a simple battery without the risk of unwanted reactions that may affect the clock's accuracy.