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Well, that depends. There are animals like the Skunk and the Octopus that have a special ability called "Protective Coloration" which enables them to change their colour depending on the background. There are also animals that blend with the surroundings naturally by their own colour. Examples are Tigers and the Bamboo Forest & the Arctic Rabbit and the Arctic region.

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Lvl 3
1y ago

Camouflage camouflage is the name for how animal hide with patterns

horse, liver, sky, sorrel
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Trish Scruton

Lvl 1
1y ago
Crypsis or a more generic term is camouflage .

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camouflage, novanet

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Lvl 3
2y ago

camouflage i believe

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Q: What do we call colors or patterns that help an organism blend in or hide in its surroundings?
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What do you called colors or patterns that help an organism blend in or hide in its surroundings?

camouflage i believe

What enables an organism to blend in with it surroundings?

Camouflage allows an organism to blend in with its surroundings by matching its appearance to the colors, patterns, or textures of its environment. This adaptation helps the organism avoid detection by predators or prey, increasing its chances of survival.

How do cougars blend into their surroundings?

Simple: their fur helps them blend. I don't know much about the cougars or anything, but mainly it is their fur patterns and colors that help them blend in surroundings.

What do you call colors or pattern that help organism blend in or hide in its surroundings?

camouflage i believe

What do we call colors or patterns that help an organism blend in or hide in its surroudings?


What do we call colors or patterns that help an organism blend in or hide in its surrounding?

It is known as camouflage.

What do we call colors or patterns that helps an organism blend in or hide in its surrounding?

It is known as camouflage.

What do you call colors or patterns that help an organism blend in or hide in its surrounding?

camouflage i believe

What do we call colors or patterns that helps an organism blend in or hide in its surroundings?

Many animals use a term of blending with their environment called camoflauge. Animals such as chamelion's use the method, as well as stick and leaf bugs. Even some species of spiders!

How do jaguar covering help them survive?

The patterns in their fur make them blend in to their surroundings, and not be seen.

How do you use polymorphous in a sentence?

The chameleon is a polymorphous creature that can change its colors to blend in with its surroundings.

Meaning of cryptic coloration?

Cryptic coloration refers to an organism's ability to blend in with its surroundings using color patterns and markings that help it avoid detection by predators or prey. This adaptation enhances the organism's chances of survival by making it difficult to spot against its background, increasing its chances of survival.