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Q: What do we call the wings of a fan?
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They fan it with there wings.

What does an entomologist call wings?

wing = ptera no wings = aptera

How corn can fly?

I dunno? give it wings I dunno? give it wings You could turn on a fan position it so the fan is upwards and put the corn on top and it should hover.Oh and by the way if you gave it wings how would the corn control its wings corn hasn't got a brain

What will you call a plane that has two sets of wings?

You call a plane with two set of wings a Biplane.A plane with one set of wings is called a monoplane.A plane with three set of wings is called a triplane.

Who is better the Detroit red wings or Pittsburgh penguins?

i preferable love the red wings and i am a die hard fan

What do you call a wolf with wings?

There is no such mythological creature. Closest is a lion with wings, a Griffin.

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Can you call a fly without without wings a walk?

yes. why? because it doesn't have wings.

What do you call a fan of Skyrim?

a fan of skyrim. You call them a baus. cus that's what they are. Also just call them dovahkin.

What do you call with 2 sets of wings?
