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perfect vacuum

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Q: What do we called a Space which contain no matter?
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All matter in space is contain in what?

the universe

In spce how much matter does an object contaijn?

The amount of matter an object contains depends on its mass and density. Objects in space can vary greatly in size and composition, so their matter content will also vary.

What is the properties of the matter?

It has mass and required space to contain its' existence.

What is anything that has mass and occupies space?


What is taken up by matter?

Matter takes up space. It has volume, which is the amount of space it occupies. When matter interacts with other matter, it can also take up time and energy.

What does a vacuum not contain?

A vacuum does not contain matter, such as air or particles. It is a space with very low pressure, where there is little to no presence of gas molecules.

Matter does not contain?

Matter is the basis for everything. Anything that exists has matter. Dark matter are anomalies that cannot account for "missing matter". Matter does not contain the solar energy and radio signals that travel through "empty space".

What are 2 things not made up of matter?

Energy (such as light) and space (which may contain matter, but is not made out of it).

Why is there little matter in space?

That's why it's called space, because there is so little matter in it.

The quantity that describes the amount of matter in a given space is called?

Density is the amount of matter in a given space.

What is the diffenition of matter?

Matter is anything that has mass and volume, making up the physical substance of the universe. It consists of atoms and molecules that are constantly in motion, interacting with each other through fundamental forces. All the objects we see and interact with are made of matter.

The amount of space matter is called?
