

What do werewolves smell like?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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14y ago

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Werewolves don't exist. Therefore, they can't smell like anything.

like what dogs would usually smell ------------------------- Since they are a beleif, its anybodys guess. I would say they smell a bit like a goblin ;)

It depends on the author of the mythos involved.

It is believed that werewolves have extra glands that somehow aid in their changeling abilities. These extra glands cause the werewolf to emit an unpleasant odor that has been described as stale hay or horse manure.

Possibly it would be like the very faint smell of wet tree bark.

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11y ago

Wolves are mammals, just like people are, so we share all the same senses, but, the difference comes in just how much each sense is useful to us.

Wolves have a keen sense of smell, whereas humans don't need really sharp noses. Sometimes, a wolf has to use his nose to tell him where dinner is, even though it might be a long way away. They can put their noses in the air and pick out just the tiniest whiff of scent from their prey, and that will be enough for them to start the hunt. A wolf has a sense of smell that is one thousand times as sensitive as that of a human.

Humans have very fine-tuned eyesight, and we can see millions of colors; but a wolf doesn't need to see all those colors, so his eyesight isn't as good as ours. Wolves do see some colors, but not very many.

Wolves howl to each other over long distances, so their hearing is very, very good. Their hearing also allows them to listen in the forest for their prey, and to keep track of them on the chase. Humans can hear really well, but because we don't have to hear over long distances, our hearing is not nears as good as a that of a wolf.

Humans have a very sophisticated sense of taste. We can taste all kinds of flavors and we do this because our tongues are covered with tastebuds. A wolf often has to eat in a hurry, so he will gobble his food so fast that he hardly has time to taste it. That means that a wolf's tongue is smoother, and he relies more on his nose and tasty smells, than he does for what he can sense of flavor on his tongue alone.

A wolf's body is covered with hairs and whiskers, which can be used to help him determine the direction of the wind, and where a scent is coming from. He feels the wind pushing on his whiskers, and so he knows that where the wind is coming from is where the scent he wants is coming from. Humans don't have a lot of hair at all (compared to a wolf), and we don't have any whiskers, so we have to rely on our smart brains and our keen eyesight to show us the things we are hunting for.

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With their noses.

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Works of HorrorIn the movieswerewolves can be found is places where vampires live like la push or forks because werewolves main job is to protect humans from vampires even though i see no threat against vampires if you don't smell to good... anyway werewolves can be found in places like Greenland and places where it rains because as i said werewolves are found near vampires trying to protect humans ( and maybe a place like seatle )Were wolves certainly do not exsist.First of all, you spelled werewolf wrong. Second of all, the plural of wolf is wolves, so it would actually be werewolves. Third of all, there is no such thing as werewolves, and the only way a human would act " wolf like" would be if they had a condition called clinical lycanthropy. I hope that answered your question.

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