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Q: What do worker ants feed other ants to turn it into a queen?
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Do ants puke?

Technically, in some way some ants do puke. Honey ants, which store honey for the rest of the colony, regurgitate honey to feed the other worker ants. Regular worker ants, carpenter ants, and multiple other kinds of ants do not puke.

What happens to ants when they are captured?

Queen ant of course not worker, soldier OR elite soldier. But anyway the ants already captured and killed by the enemy ant ( The one that you ask) for the queen and feed it. If human, they interested in queen ant in the flight season

Why do you not need to consider the sex ratio for an ant population?

You do not need to consider the sex ratio for an ant population as the Queen ant creates all the eggs, which they hatch and become worker ants to feed the queen so the Queen can reproduce, if all the worker ants die, the Queen dies and no eggs are laid, so the sex ratio is not considered in an ant population.

What is the male ant called?

The female ant is simply called "Queen". When the queen starts to lay eggs, her fertilized eggs will become female ants. Almost all ants are females. The eggs then hatch after several days. The queen feeds the larvae that emerge by spitting up food she makes from her leftover wing muscles, from her own energy reserves, and sometimes from eating some of the other eggs or larvae. The larvae grow then form pupae. Gradually, they turn into adult ants. When the pupae open in a week or two, adult ants emerge and start to gather food. Worker ants are sterile females, which means they do not lay eggs. Worker ants keep eggs, larvae, and pupae at the right temperature by moving them from chamber to chamber within the nest, the worker ants take care of the new eggs, larvae, and pupae. They take care of the queen too, all she does is lay eggs. She may live for 10 to 20 years, laying eggs fertilized during her one mating flight. Most of the fertilized eggs become new workers. But occasionally the worker ants feed more food to some of the young, and that makes them turn into queen ants. Sometimes the queen lays unfertilized eggs, which become male ants. The male ants don't help maintain the colony. Instead, they fly from the nest in search of a queen. When they find a queen, they mate. Then the cycle begins again.

Which bees feed the queen bee?

Her attendants, which are worker bees.

What do queen ants eat?

Her workers feed her.they eat then they regurgitate.

What is the best way to kill ants to make ants bite the dust?

Feed them a food that they will take back to the queen, that contains poison.

A certain type of ant steals the larvae of other ants to keep as a slave the slave ants build homes for and feed these ants who cannot do anything but fight they depend completely on their slaves?

Leptothorax ants need other ant species during parts of their life cycle. Honeypot ants will enslave members from other honeypot ant colonies. Another type of ant that enslaves other species is the Amazon ant (genus Polyergus).

Can all ants morf in to queens?

Definitely not. In most kinds of ants, if you feed one of the larvae the right amounts of the right kind of food and hormones, then it will grow up into a queen. Otherwise it will grow into a worker or soldier or some other caste. Once that has happened, in fact, by the time it forms a pupa, it is too late to change anything. A few kinds of ants form only small colonies and they do not have proper castes at all. Most of their females may lay eggs, and if the main egg-laying females die, then other females can begin active egg laying. However, some castes of many kinds of termites (they are not ants, but form similar colonies in much the same way as ants) can morph into queens if the real queen dies. The morphed queen is never as big and effective as the original real queen, and it may take several morphed queens to do the job of one real queen.

How are queen ants born?

Queen Ants are born as any normal ant is. In order for the Queen Ant to be born the pupa ( a stage of some insects life formation) must be well feed and cared for and that will determine their eventual adult form.

What are the decomposers of the ant colony?

The decomposers of the ant colony are the ants that eat the dead. Ants that die in the colony are fed to the decomposers and the queen ant. Ants are naturally decomposers because they feed off dead things.

How do honeybees find a new queen?

when a Queen bee dies the worker bees feed an egg recently laid with royal jelly, thus creating a new queen.