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Q: What do wounded knee and the ghost dance have in common?
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What contributed to the Wounded Knee Massacre?

The ghost dance

The Ghost Dance movement led to which massacre?

Wounded Knee

Which of the following contributed to the Wounded Knee Massacre?

the Ghost Dance

What did the battle of wounded knee bring to an end?

The Battle of Wounded Knee brought to an end to the Ghost Dance that was performed by many Native American tribes.

What 1890 event ended the ghost dance religion and oranized native american resistance?

The Wounded Knee Massacre of December 29, 1890 ended the Ghost Dance movement. It also ended organized resistance by Native Americans.

What events led to the battle of wounded knee?

The American government didn't like the natives dancesthey out lawed the sun dance. The natives kept on dancing but now the ghost dance this was viewed as breaking the treaty causing the battle of wounded knee

What sort of cermonies did the Sioux Indians have?

A number of different ceremonies, but the one which caused the massacre at Wounded Knee was The Ghost Dance

What was the bloody affair that resulted when the federal government attempted to stamp out the Indians' sacred ghost dance?

Battle of Wounded Knee

Bloody affair that resulted when the federal government attempted to stamp out the Indians sacred ghost dance?

Battle of Wounded Knee

Who was the Lakota leader who was arrested by the U.S. army when his people practice the ghost dance at wounded knee in order to protest his arrest?

sitting bull

Who was the Lakota leader who was arrested by the US Army when his people practice the ghost dance at wounded knee in order to protect his arrest?

Sitting bull

Who was the Lakota leader who was arrested by the us army when his people practiced the ghost dance at the wounded knee in order to protest his arrest?

Sitting Bull