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Q: What do you call Electricity is the movement of what through a conductor?
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Does electrcity travel in space?

Electricity, as used by us in such things as our computers and TVs etc, requires a conductor. It is the movement of electrons along that conductor which most people call electricity. This cannot travel through space. However electricity is also a part of and related to the electromagnetic spectrum which can travel through space.

What do you call something that allows heat or electricity to pass through it?

A material that allows heat or electricity to pass through it is called a conductor. The opposite of that is called an insulator. For electricity, the wire inside is the conductor, while the plastic on the outside is an insulator.

What do you call a pathway through which electricity flows from one of a cell to the other?

a conductor

What do you call the movement of electrons through a conductor?

Electron flow; also known as electrical current.

What do you call a material that can carry electricity?

An electrical conductor is a material that can carry electricity.

What do you call solids that conduct electricity?

A substance that conducts electricity is a conductor. There is no special name for one that is solid; if you need to specify that it is solid, just call it a "solid conductor".

What do you call a material that is poor conductor of heat or electricity?

An insulator.

What do we call the movement of electric charge?


What do you call a path along which electricity travels?

an open circuit

What do you call a material that electrons will flow through freely?


What you call electricity is really just the movement of?

Electrons bumping into each other transferring energy called electricity.

What do you call a material that allows electricity to flow through it easily?

A material that electricity can conduct electricity.