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1d ago

A living tree over 150 years old may be referred to as a centenarian tree.

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Q: What do you call a Living tree over 150 years?
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Which is the largest living catalpa tree in Michigan?

The largest living catalpa tree in Michigan is believed to be located at the Nichols Arboretum in Ann Arbor. This tree is estimated to be over 100 years old and stands at a height of around 75 feet.

Does wood support a living tree or a dead tree?

Living tree. Without getting to technical wood is the hard substance formed in the growth of trees. The wood remains after the tree dies but will gradually decay over time. So the answer is that wood can support both a living and a dead tree.

What is the longest loving tree in the world?

The longest living tree in the world can be found in Sweden. The tree is a Spruce and is believed to be 9,500 years old.

What is the oldest living tree?

It is the bristle cone pine (about 4900 years old).

How do you cut down a large tree?

If it is a really large tree over 25 feet tall, it is wiser to call a tree service company.

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Camphor trees can live up to 50-150 years, depending on growing conditions and care. With proper maintenance and ideal environment, they can potentially live even longer.

What facts are there about the yew?

This tree is the oldest tree in Britain existing for just over 3,000 years!

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How long can a rowan tree survive?

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Is a tree stump living?

No a tree stump is not living. It is a once living plant and the end of the life cycle of a tree.

What type of tree is the oldest tree in the world?

The oldest known living individual non-clonal tree is a bristlecone pine, Pinus longaeva. It's located in the White Mountains (the ones in California, not the ones in the northeastern US) and is over 5000 years old.Clonal tree colonies can survive for tens of thousands of years, though the individual trunks (as opposed to the root systems) are typically much younger.

How old is the Christmas tree in Grange over Sands cumbria UK?

The Grange over Sands Christmas Tree was first lit in 1947 and has been lit each subsequent year. December 4th 2010 saw the 65th lighting of the tree by the Mayor Tom Harvey. It is about 130 years old and prior to Kew Gardens decorating a very tall tree used to be the tallest living lit Christmas Tree in England