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laser beam

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Q: What do you call a beam of light so powerful that it can cut through light?
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What do you call a beam of light so powerful it can cut threw metal?

Laser Beam

What do you call a bcam of light so powerful it can cut through metal?


What do scientist call a light beam?

Light beams are photon particles that can be radiated/emitted in a beam, or concentrated in a stream (also known as a LASER - Light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation.)

What do you call an object which light can not pass through?

An object through which light cannot pass is known as opaque.

What is a triple beam?

in bio we call triple beam is a scale!

What do you call it when light cant go through it?


What do you call it when light the speed of light changes as it passes through different meduims?


Why can you see through water?

you're not actually seeing through water you are seeing the light that passed through the water so if light passes through you call it seeing through

When light passes through a lens what do you call the result?


What do you call a ray of light through the clouds?

Crepuscular rays

What do you call an object that lets no light pass through?

opaque objects

What do you call a series of bands of coloured light when defusing white light through a prism?

Is spectrum too simplistic an answer?