

What do you call a bruise on the brain?

Updated: 10/24/2023
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A bruise on the brain is called a contusion.

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Q: What do you call a bruise on the brain?
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What is the difference between concossion and contusion?

A contusion is a bruise, and a concussion is a bruise of the brain.

What is the medical Term for a bruise on the brain?

A bruise to the brain is also called a brain contusion, and usually accompanies a concussion.

Can getting slapped in the head give you brain damage?

Yes. Repeated blows to the head can give you brain damage. One hard blow or many small blows can do great harm. Unlike the other organs in your body, the capillaries in your brain are totally closed. Blood stays inside the capillaries as it circulates through your brain. If you get slapped and a capillary breaks, blood can ooze out into your brain. You may have gotten a bruise on your arm or leg sometime in the past. A bruise in your brain kills the brain cells where you get the bruise. A slap to your head can cause a bruise in your brain. Constant slapping can cause brain damage.

Can a bruise be colorless?

If a bruise is deep enough in the tissues, you will not see direct evidence on the skin. For example, a brain contusion. However, most bruises are visible.

What word means a bruise-like injury to the brain caused by brain tissue hitting the skull during a collision?


Why do you call the brain the brain?

yuh call the brain the brain cuz its the brain best answer...

What is the medical term meaning brain bruise?

Trabecular Micofracture

What causes ringing in the head after a fall?

You need to go to a doctor. You could have a bruise on your brain. Be carefull!

What is the difference between a stroke and a subdural hematoma?

Hematoma is a bruise, stroke is burst vessel in the brain.

What causes a traumatic brain injury?

Usually a blow to the head [bruise], bleeding in the head, or something enters it.

When can a bruise become dangerous?

If the bruise is large, and has a clot under it, the clot can move to sensitive areas of the body (lungs, Heart, brain) and cause further damages: stroke, heart attack etc.

What would a child call a bruise?

A child usually calls bruises or cuts a "boo boo". A bruise is fairly insignificant on a child, unless on the face or head. A bruise naturally disappears over 7-10 days, generally.