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Rhinoplastic surgeon.

Actually, it is either a board-certified Ear, nose and throat doctor, or a board-certified plastic surgeon, like Franklin A. Rose, MD, who just did Vienna Giradi's nose for E Entertainment.

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Otolaryngologists. Audiologists are not medical physicians. They are health care providers who specialize in evaluating and treating hearing problems.

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Rhinologist (Greek. Rhin meaning nose) specialist whom studies nose anatomy and physiology and also Rhinology the study of the nose

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EN & T doctor

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Q: What do you call a doctor for eyes and nose?
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What does EENT doctor do?

Eyes, ears, nose and throat

What is a nose doctor called?

A doctor who treats illnesses affecting the eyes, ears, nose, and throat is an otolaryngologist. A doctor who changes the outer structure or shape of the nose is a plastic surgeon, more specifically a rhinoplasty surgeon.

What do you call a doctor that specializes in eyes?


What can you do about a mole in between the eyes and nose?

You can see your family doctor and let him/her know you are bothered by the mole between in between your eyes and nose and once the doctor has examined it then they can send you to a skin specialist and have it removed which is painless in most cases.

What to do if you get gas in your eyes?

You should thoroughly rinse your eyes and at least call a doctor.

What to do if you get propane gas in your eyes?

If propane gas gets in your eyes, immediately flush them with lukewarm water for at least 15 minutes. Seek medical attention if irritation and redness persist or if you experience vision problems. It's important to avoid rubbing your eyes as it can worsen the irritation.

What to do when antifreeze gets in your eyes?

Rinse with water, call a doctor.

If you don't have black eyes is your nose broken?

It is possible to have a broken nose without getting a black eye. If you think your nose is broken, go to a doctor for an x-ray.

Are your eyes distal to the nose?

The eyes are lateral to the nose. Distal and lateral are not terms that apply to your face.

Scientific name for eyes ears nose and throat doc?

A doctor who specialises in ear, nose and throat is commonly called an ENT Specialist. The proper medical term could be said to be Otolarynologist - as otolaryngology is the branch of medicine which specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of ear, nose, throat, and head and neck disorders.

Why do you have to blow your nose?

Yes, because if you don't blow your nose all your mucus goes underneath your eyes and swell up and hurts really bad and you have to go to the doctor and the doctor has to open up wherever the mucus is and take it out .

What should you do if you get brake fluid in your eyes?

Flush with a lot of water and call a doctor.