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Q: What do you call a marker that identifies land features and and distances?
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A red marker

Is a marker another word for a gun?

yes in paint ball they call it marker but it really is just a paint ball gun

What is the useful of telephone?

Telephone is a device used to contact people in far distances. With the functions and features of modern phone system such as IP PBX , we are able to enjoy VoIP service, call forwarding, call screening and have total control over our communication lines through desktop call controller.

How do you make the marker appear in police force game?

Just double click on the call.

What do geographers call an area with one or more features that set it apart from other areas?

They call it physical features.

What do you call a person who identifies each archers score with a telescopic sight?

i dont know bro

What do you call people who run in races?

Athletic runner, though some runners specialise in certain distances - short sprints, medium distances, and marathons.

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High voltage transmission.

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This is called a sash. It usually identifies where the contestant is from.

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its laugh/call

What do you call a protocol prefix?

A protocol prefix is commonly referred to as a "scheme." It identifies the protocol used in a URL, such as "http://" or "https://".