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Q: What do you call a material that doesn't allow electrons to move through it?
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A material that doesnt allow electrons to move through it easily is an? opposed to a conductor which does allow electrons to travel freely within it.

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What is a material that allows electrons to flow easily through it?

Anything that is classified as a conductor will allow the flow of electrons.

What is material that will not release electrons nor allow free electrons to pass?


What is a material that allows electrons to move through it easily?

Conductors, a lot of metals are good in conducting (allow transport of) electrons, also ionized acid and salt solutions.

What is the difference between a electrical conductor and a electrical nonconductor?

Simply put an conductor is a material that lets free electrons flow through it. When free electrons are flowing that is called current. So an electrical conductor will have current pass through. Non-conductive material will not allow these electrons to flow and no electricity can be passed through. Good conductors have almost no resistance to electron flow.

What is a material that doesn't allow charges to move through it easily?

Wood An insulator is a material that does not allow charges to move through it easily.

How does an electrical insulator work?

Any material that does not allow the free flow of electrons.

Material that allows electricity to pass through?

Materials that allow electricity to pass through are said to be good conductors. Conductors have free electrons allow for the flow of charged particles through the material resulting in an electric charge. Most metals are considered to be good conductors, some examples include copper, aluminum, silver, and gold.

Why does nonconductive material allow the flow of electricity?

If you mean "dis"allow the flow, it's because electrons cannot travel easily between the atoms of the material.

What material does not allow light to pass through it?

Opaque materials do not allow light to pass through them.

What materials allow electricity to flow freely?

Because of freely moving of electrons in the material