

What do you call a month that has 29 days?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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9y ago

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it happens in leap year and the month is feburary

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Q: What do you call a month that has 29 days?
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Why aren't there 29 days in a month?

The month of February has a total of 29 days during a leap year.

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For a complete month, it's called the month of Ramadan.

What is the month that has 29 days?


Which months have 28 or 29 days?

The only month that has 28 or 29 days is February.

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29 days, as there are 29 days in February in a leap year.

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There is an average of 30-31 days per month. Occasionally, there are 29 days in a month. This usually occurs in the month of February.

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"After" the first day of the month I get out 29 to 30 days.

Month with 28 days?

It is February but in a Leap Year it will have 29 days

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Because there is one full moon every 29 days, and each month is either 30 or 31 days. So February (with only 28 or 29 days) can NEVER have two full moons, and two full moons in one calendar month will only happen about once every 29 months; call it once every 2.5 years on average.

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The only month with just 28 days is the month February. Unless it is a leap year, then February has 29 days.

How many days are in the month of February?

28 days and 29 days in a leap year.