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Q: What do you call a organisms can move but do not make their food?
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What kingdom of organisms can't make their own food and can't move?

Fungi can't make their own food and can't move.

What living thing cannot make its own food and move from place to place?

ALL animals are "consumers" (they can not make their own food) The ONLY organisms that can make their own food are the plants there are the "producers". Consumers live on Producers.

How do unicellular organisms get energy?

Structures help them moveUnicellular organisms move by what is called a flagellum. A flagellum is a whip-like tail found on a unicellular organism, it whips it back and forth to move.

What are the general charateristics of all prostists?

plant-like: contain chlorophyll and make their own food using photosynthesis, have cell walls, and no specialized ways to move from place to place. animal-like: cannot make their own food; they capture other organisms for food, do not have cell walls, and have specialized ways to move from place to place. fungus-like: cannot make their own food; they absorb food from their surroundings, some organisms have cell walls; others do not, and have specialized ways to move from place to place.

Does euglena move?

Euglena are small organisms in the Protist Kingdom. They can make their own food, but they can also eat other things like an animal. They can move with the help of their flagellum.

How do you amoeboid organisms with skeletons move food into bodies?

by using flagella

Do energy and nutrients move through the organisms that make up a food web?

yes because if the creature does not have nutrients then the others who eat it will not and theyll die

Is meat vegetation?

No. Meat is flesh and muscle taken from living organisms. Vegetation is plants. They make food for themselves, and provide for themselves and typically do not move.

How do you figure out if something is an animal?

look for the characteristics that all animals have such as, many celled organisms, nucleus organelles, cannot make their own food,digest food themselves, and can move from place to place

How is energy transfered between organisms and to the surrounding as you move along the food chain?


What are the likes and dislikes between plants and animals?

The likes of plants and animals would be that they are both living organisms and are composed of cells. However plants can make there own food and can not move.

Why do organisms need locomotion?

So animals and people can do stuff such as find food, run away from something, mate or, well move.