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Q: What do you call a person who borrows books from the library?
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What do you call a person who is incharge of a libary?

A person in charge of a library is typically called a librarian. Librarians are responsible for managing library operations, providing assistance to patrons, and curating collections of books and other materials.

What you call a list or index of books in library?

A catalog.

Do all books have an LC call number?

No, not all books have an LC call number. Books that are not part of the Library of Congress collection, such as self-published books or books from small publishers, may not have an LC call number. Additionally, digital books or e-books typically do not have LC call numbers.

What do they call a library without books?

A digital or virtual library is a library that has no books. This is because their collection is stored in a digital format and is accessible by computer - no physical items, such as printed books, are included in the collection.

What do you call a place where books are kept?

book shelf, libery, biblotech

What do you call a person who destroys books?

A person who destroys books is a biblioclast.

What do you call a son who borrows money?


What do you call someone who works in a video library?

A Video Library Worker... Person

What do you call a person who rights books?

A person who writes books is called an author.

What do call a person who sells books?

A person who sells books is commonly referred to as a bookseller or a book vendor.

How can I find what library in Miami-Dade has books on computer programming?

I would call the libraries. A university library would surely have them.

Why do you need a call number for each library book?

you need a call number so the books will be easier to find...