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multiple property of matter i think

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Q: What do you call a sample of matter that has distinct physical and chemical properties?
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Matter that has a fixed chemical composition and distinct properties is a?

Physical mixture

A simple form of matter that has unique chemical properties is a?

A single kind of matter that has a distinct physical and chemical properties is called?

A single kind of matter that has distinct physical and chemical properties is called?

it is called a pure substance

Is a property of matter chemical or physical?

Matter has chemical properties (ex.: chemical reactivity) or physical properties (ex.: thermal conductivity).

Does all types of matter have chemical or physical properties?

All types of matter have physical properties.

What is a change in matter causing a substance to change into other substances with new chemical and physical properties?

That is officially known as a chemical change. It is distinct from a physical change which does not alter a substance into a different substance.

What matter that has a fixed chemical composition and distinct properties is?

You think probable to a chemical compound.

What are the definitions of chemical and physical properties?

The chemical def for this is ----- properties- the characteristics of matter ; how it behaves.

How are chemical properties of matter characterized?

Correct characterization of matter chemical properties is possible by experimental studies; but theoretical methods exist for the approximate calculation the values for some chemical and physical properties.

What properties are used to describe matter?

Chemical Properties Physical Properties Etc.

Name two categories used to classify properties of matter?

These the physical properties of matter.

Which property of a substance does not change when the amount of the substance changes?

All substances have distinct physical and chemical properties, and may undergo physical or chemical changes. Physical properties, such as hardness and boiling point, and physical changes, such as melting or freezing, do not involve a change in the composition of matter.