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a weiner skunk because his wiener is big and makes him fly

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Q: What do you call a skunk that can fly?
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How did the skunk call his mother?

A skunk would call her long distance.

Why do they call a wolverine a skunk bear?

they call a wolverine a skunk bear because it is part of the weasel family and looks like a skunk bear

What a young skunk call?

A young skunk is called a kit. == ==a kit

Does skunk spray effect pregnancy?

because goku fly away

What kind of animal do i call a flower in the film Bambi?

Flower was a skunk.

What do they call Bigfoot in Florida?

In florida bigfoot is called the Skunk Ape.

How do you remove a live skunk from your house?

Call fish and game or animal rescue

How did the skunk call his family?

Using the smell-ular phone. Ha. Ha.

Did you hear about the flying skunk they call him a smelicopter explain joke?

A skunk smells ans a helicopter flies so the word smelicopter is a combination of the words smell and helicopter.

How do you catch and release a skunk?

I would call a professional. They probably will use a trap to catch the skunk. Then they will take away the cage while wearing a hazmat suite. Just make sure that the person you hire will release the skunk and not just kill it.

How do you get rid of a mama skunk with five babies?

Call an animal control officer or an exterminator.

If a fly can't fly what do you call it?

A Walk