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A vessel that travels underwater is termed a submarine.

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Q: What do you call a vessel that travels underwater?
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What do you call a missile that travels underwater?

It sounds like you are referring to a torpedo.

What do you call a ship that travels to the surface of the sea?

A submarine is a ship that can travel underwater.

How is an underwater vessel used?

as a dilldo

What is an AUV?

Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. It is rabot which travels underwater.

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What do you call a tube that blood travels through?

In general we call it a blood vessel. Those which carry blood away from the heart are arteries, those which take it back are veins, and the tiny, thin-walled tubes which are found in the organs and exchange substances with the cells are capillaries.

Why it is called as xylem vessel but not xylem cell?

Because xylem is a vessel that water travels through.

Is a vessel that travels under water?

A submarine is a vessel that can travel both on the surface and under the water.

How do you spell submereen?

The correct spelling is submarine (underwater, or a submersible vessel).

What starting with 's' is type of boat that travels underwater?

a submarine

What animal travels at 25 mph underwater?

A Penguin.