

What do you call an number that has only one factor?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: What do you call an number that has only one factor?
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What do you call a number with only one prime factor?

A power.

What do you call a number that has one factor?


What number has only one factor tree?

Every composite number has its own unique tree, so I guess the answer is all numbers have one tree. Perhaps you meant one branch or one factor. Prime numbers only have two factors, one of them is prime, so if you try to do a factor tree with a prime number, it stops the second you write the number down. And then there's one. One only has one factor, so we won't even bother with a tree. We'll call it a factor twig.

What is the only number that is a factor of every number?

One is the only number that is a factor of every other number.

What number has only one prime factor?

No prime number only has one factor. Each prime number has itself and 1 as factors. Now, the number 1 of course has only one factor, but it is technically not a prime number.

What is the number that has only on factor?

1 has one factor.

A number with only one pair of factors?

A number with only one factor pair is........ a prime number for example 11 the only factor pair is one times 11.

Which numbers have only 1 as their factor?

The only number with one factor is 1.

What do you call a number whose GCF is one?

It is not possible to give a sensible answer to this question. The greatest common factor (GCF) refers to a factor that is COMMON to two or more numbers. You have only one number in the question so, mathematically, the question does not make sense. If, instead, you consider a number [positive integer] whose greatest common factor is one, then there is only one possibility and that is the number one. So you would call it ONE.

Why did mathematics decide to not call 1 a prime number?

Because a prime number has two factors whereas 1 has only one factor which is itself

Does the number one have only one factor?

Yes, it is one.

What kind of numbers have one factor?

The only number with just one factor is 1.