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Q: What do you call animals when they already extinct?
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What animals have already extinct?


What you call animals which do not exists?

Extinct animals

What exctinct animals live in the mountains?

none they are already extinct

What animals are already extinct because of logging?

spotted owls

What you call animals whose existence has end?

If I read this correctly you call them extinct.

What do you call people who study ancient extinct animals?


Will wolves be extinct?

It is extinct at UK, already bot not in the rest of the world. All kinds of animals extinct and made new, so it will be, also humans.

How do you unlock the velociraptor in zoo tycoon 2 extinct animals?

It is already in the game.

How many animals are alredy extinct?

It has been estimated that 1 to 4 billion species of animals have already gone extinct. Some animals that have gone extinct are the American Mastodon, Dire Wolf, Florida Spectacled Bear, and the Dodo bird.

What do you call a person who raises baby animals that are almost extinct?

An extologyst.

What you can do to help Asiatic cheetahs to become extinct?

You do not want them to become extinct, they are beautiful animals, it is already terrible they are in danger. Ways you can make them extinct are: Poaching Polluting Destroy their enviroment

What can be done to save animals that are already extinct?

possibly DNA duplication and genetic research to find the genetic code of the extinct species to possibly revive them