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what do you call it when the sheep all get stuck at a gate

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Q: What do you call it when the sheep all get stuck at a gate?
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Because Jordyn Carde trained all of her animal minion sheep freinds as a call of terror!

What is universal gates?

Any logic gate from which all other logic gate functions can be derived. The two universal gates are NAND and NOR.

Why do sheep make noise?

Generally sheep have poor eyesight. They will stare at area's they detect movement to see if that movement is a threat to them. They will move together for safety if they feel something may be stalking them.

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AND gate is an all or nothing gate because in able to have an output of logic 1,all of the input must be all logic 1 or else the output will be nothing or simply logic 0.

What is universal logic gate?

universal logic gate is a gate using which you can make all the logic gates there are two such gates NOR gate and NAND gate

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The best bet for you is to check all the fans and make sure nothing is stuck in them. Try not to break any piece as you remove it. If there is nothing stuck in there, call the company for their help.

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All the pipes in all houses are connected, so a toilet might be stuck because someone dumped something down the sink, dishwasher, bathtub, etc. You could call a plumber to check and fix this kind of stuff.

In a sentence can I use sheep are as well as sheep is?

I'd prefer to see "are sheep" - as in "there are sheep all over the mountainside". I'd reserve "sheep is" for an individual animal - as in "this sheep is lame",

Are all cattle smart?

Not by a long shot - I have personally observed a mature Holstein bull get stuck in a corner created by a long fence (about 50 feet) and about six inches of fence. The ten-foot long gate that was standing wide open was next to the six inch fence section. And yet, the bull was stuck - he couldn't go forward and he couldn't turn left. After about three tries, the bull walked out of the open gate.

Are all sheep the same?

No there are different breeds and colors of sheep.

How do you tell when a sheep is in labor?

they will call and let you know two hours before it happens.. or they will lose all of their fur exactly twenty days before.

Is desert big horn sheep a mammle?

all sheep are mammals!