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handkerchief ;)

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Q: What do you call of a small square of cloth used especially for wiping the nose or mouth?
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Why does Kakashi put a cloth at his mouth?

that's just a happenstance, he has that cloth to cover his sharingan eye.

What does napkin mean in british?

Brits use "napkin" the same as Americans do - it's a little square piece of cloth or paper used to wipe the mouth and hands at a meal.

What does napkin mean in British terms?

Brits use "napkin" the same as Americans do - it's a little square piece of cloth or paper used to wipe the mouth and hands at a meal.

How much bacteria is in money?

over 50 million bacteria cells. don't be putting it your mouth or wiping your butt with it.

How can you drink your urine for survival?

you can find some sand and get some cloth and pee and the cloth with the sand and start sucking @the bottom of the sack of sand don't put you mouth on the sand put your mouth on the cloth with the sand in it and you with be drinking you Owen urine?it taste just like water?

Should you use cloth napkin to wipe mouth?

There are no hard and fast rules that say you should use a cloth napkin to wipe your mouth. However, some people believe that is proper etiquette when in upscale environments.

Can babys get periodontal disease?

Babies do not typically get periodontal disease. If they have teeth, they may get a condition called gingivitis (inflammation of the gums). This is easily corrected by wiping the inside of the baby's mouth with a damp cloth after each meal to remove remaining food debris.If you are concerned, take the baby to a pedodontist (dentist who specializes in dental care of children).

What is a square mouth shovel?

A shovel that is square instead of pointed.

How do you protect yourself from infection from microorganisms?

cover your mouth and nose with a tissue/cloth when you sneeze

What part of your body controls your mouth?

Your brain controls all of the parts of the body. This is especially true of the mouth.

Look hard in surprise especially with the mouth open?


What is a big mouth?

A big mouth is a person who talks too much, especially a person who makes exaggerated claims.