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Q: What do you call someone who cant talk or hear but can see?
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Can someone you muted hear you talk on Xbox live?

No, if you mute them they cannot hear you.

When i call someone i cant hear them?

Did you accidentally turn your phone on mute?

Why do you talk the most of the time with yourself?

Because the people you want to talk with cant hear you. It is at least interesting.

What does it mean to dream about getting a phone call or text message from the other side?

there's someone you've lost that you want to hear from or talk to

What is the name of someone who can hear your heart talk?

a doctor

Whats it called when someone cant talk?

your dead

What does we have to talk mean?

If someone says, "We have to talk", be prepared to hear something serious or important.

Does someone have to be in your party on Xbox live for you to talk to them?

no, you can talk in messages too. But to actually talk to them and hear them, you have to be in a party with them.

People who cant talk at all what do you call them?


What a is a person who talks a big game?

someone who can talk the talk but cant walk the walk

What does it mean when you hear someone call your name and theres no one around?

that a loved one or someone u knew is tryin to talk to u talk to em back sumtimez they need sumone to talk too i here spiritz myself and i use to see em but now i dont

What do you call a person that cannot talk hear and see?

Communications impaired